Konstruksi Pernyaian: Perlawanan terhadap Dominasi Kolonial

Konstruksi Pernyaian:

Perlawanan terhadap Dominasi Kolonial

Asep Deni Saputra

Alumnus Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Jakarta



This writing is written to analyse pernyaian. Nyai’ was a term of address for concubine of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia especially in Java in the period of 18th century to the end of 19th century. Pernyaian is the term for the practice of being ‘Nyai’. Reasons to legitimize the practice of having and of being ‘Nyai’ conducted by some Indonesian women were varied which was either for sexual or for economic reason. The construct of pernyaian is analysed by the use of multicultural feminism approach. Result of the analysis shows that the domination of the Indonesians women who become concubines in the period of Dutch colonialism eventually raised a legal stigma for pernyaian. The resistance of these concubines was showed by promoting their social level. The practice of being concubine was not seen as sexual slavery, but seen as building a bridge between two different cultures. This was done by evoking their good self-image before the domestic, the Chinese and the European societies.

Keywords: concubine, colonial, representation, resistance.
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