Penanda Jumlah dalam Bahasa Indonesia dan Bahasa Arab

Penanda Jumlah dalam Bahasa Indonesia

dan Bahasa Arab

Ali Badrudin

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article discusses how number markers in bI and bA is contrasted. number markers that comprises numeration formations and some word categories tells about amount, as found in demonstrative word, personal pronoun pose as subject in a sentence, conjunctions and so on. That is why, this article will describe linguistic study on number markers in bI and bA that includes: first, describing the various forms of number markers that found in bI and bA; second, describing the number markers in bI and bA in terms of its morphology?; and third, describing the form of number markers bI and bA as obtained in clause and sentence.Result of the study demonstrates that the number markers in bI and bA is marked morphologicaly and sintactically; second, morphologically in bI we can find the number markers that is described by the use of affixation, repetion and clause compounding. In Bahasa Indonesia, the affixation consists of prefixation or addition at the initial of word such as (ke-, ber-, and se-), suffixation or the process of addition at the end of word such as (-an), and confixation or addition at the initial and end of word as seen in (ber – an, ke – an, and ke – nya). The process of adding confix ke-an at the number markers of bI will result at declination. Reduplication or the process of repetition is a repetition at a lingual unit, both wholly and partially, either using phonem variation or not. Result of the repetition is labelled as reduplicate words. Repetition, generally do not alter word category. Composition or the process of clause complexing is a process where two or more words are mingled and form a single word which support new meaning. Meanwhile, in bA this process occurs only in affixation. Syntactically, strong division in the number system of bA tends to form a masculine versus feminine dichotomy; code addition on nominal, adjective, numeral, and particle with feminine consideration; addition to the above marker fathah on masculine and kasrah on feminine; addition to maculine and feminine identity on dual formation word, word couple, and irregular plural form. In the meantime, number marker in bI is marked at the syntactic level by para, beberapa, banyak, etc.

Keywords: number marker, numeration, masculine, feminine

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