Pemerolehan Pragmatik Tahap Awal pada Anak
R. Hery Budhiono
Balai Bahasa Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Jalan Tingang Km 3,5, Jekanraya, Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah 73112
As a matter of fact, pragmatic (competence) is not one of three components of language, i.e. phonology, syntax, and lexicon, but it gives souls and spirits to the language expression. Together with one’s communicative competence, it brings some different perspectives to the language. The aim of this paper is to describe what kind of pragmatic competence has been acquired by a one—two year old child. Method of collecting the data deals with the paper is by writing down all utterances produced and trying to analyze them in a qualitative inquiry. This kind of competency tends to be acquired from the very beginning of one’s life. It includes crying, cooing, babbling, smiling, and even blinking in its meaningful interpretation for sure.