Interferensi Pemakaian Bahasa Madura
dalam Bahasa Indonesia
oleh Masyarakat Etnik Madura di Jember
A. Erna Rochiyati Sudarmaningtyas
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121
Jember one of the regencies in East Java, has two types of ethnic groups, Javanese and Maduranese. On the other hand, Jember people is a mi ture of the two ethnic groups which results in bilingualism condition, between Maduranese and Javanese languages or one of the regional lnguages and Indonesian Language. The condition then brings about interferences. interview method with various techniques is used to collect data. In analyzing the data descriptive-comparative-normatif method is used.The results of data analysis are as follows. Interference done by Maduranese people in Jember regency is a result of strong influence of Maduranese. The influence covers (a)the occurrence of phoneme alternation as a consequence of similarity in sound and sens between Indonesian and Maduranese whichthen causes imitation in other forms; (b)identifying Madranese similar with Indonesian or vice versa; (c)unidentified certain forms in Maduranese into Indonesian; (d)the similarity in form between Maduranese and Indonesian. Background factors of occurring the interference are linguistc and nonlinguistic factors.