Resistensi dan Negosiasi Perempuan dalam Realitas Fiksi dan Fakta

Resistensi dan Negosiasi Perempuan

dalam Realitas Fiksi dan Fakta

Novi Anoegrajekti

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This paper aims to discuss how the strategy undertaken by the women in the construct of identity itself in a marginal position. Methodologically, the analysis in this paper using a multicultural perspective in discussing the issues of womanhood and the stretching of the women, particularly marginalized women. The study shows that it is very difficult to explain and determine who is exploited and who are exploited. If in the process of interaction is only considered a unilateral act, means denying the other roles that are not less important. SimakBaca secara fonetik

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The existence of the women with all the variations of life, awaken us to read a fair an identity. Is not the identity itself is a liquidity or liquidity that is actually a more appropriate also serve as identity.


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Keywords: resistance, negotiation, construction, identity, multicultural

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