Pemakaian Bahasa dalam Acara Siaran Radio
Berbahasa Using di Jember
Budi Suyanto dan Agus Sariono
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121
Radio broadcast use the certain pattern in usage of varieties of Ianguages. This article distinguish the Using Ianguage used in radio broadcast and also pattern of that usage of varieties of Ianguage. Data analyse done by comparative method and contectual method of sociolinguistics. Result of data analysis opened as follows. Using Ianguage used in radio broadcast have various loan form, namely loan on phonology, morphology, and lexicon. Pattern of usage of Ianguages in radio broadcast coloured with the event displace the code switching between Using Ianguage, Javanese, Indonesian, and English.