Nilai Angka Kata dalam Sengkalan

Nilai Angka Kata dalam Sengkalan

Sudartomo Macaryus

FKIP Universitas Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa



The determination of word values is based on their meanings, characteristics, functions, historical backgrounds, and properties of referent or concepts contained in the words used in a Javanese chronogram (sengkalan). The principle of special determination is related to historical background or mythology of certain word’s referent. Innovation can be done based on certain principles, they are guru dasanama (synonyms), guru sastra (similarities of words’ spellings), guru warga (groups of objects, animals, etc.), guru karya (functional meanings of the same objects), guru sarana (instruments and actions), guru darwa (characteristics of the owners), and guru wanda (similarities of pronounciations of certain words). Innovation of the forms of word can be formulated using words of same groups of referent, meaning, sound, etc.

Keywords: chronogram, referent, mythology, innovation, words values, synonym
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