Simsalabim Kunfayakun:
Refleksi Kebangkitan Sastra Pesantren
Pusat Bahasa, Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional
Jalan Daksinapati Barat IV, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220
This article discusses issues surrounding the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) literatures. The results of the study show that there was a series of glory of the pesantren literatures. The pesantren literatures had ever flourished in 1930s when the pesantren bodies, one of them was Djamil Suherman, wrote literatures either about the pesantren or other background. After that era, that was during the Indonesia’s independence transition period, writers put their focuses on criticizing how the new government held their administration. In the early 2000s, the pesantren literature began to live in line with the rising of young writers who had the pesantren background such as Acep Zamzam Noer and Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Prior to those two writers, there is Mustofa Bisri, one of the pesantren writers who exists in pesantren literature by writing his ideas on religious morals. All of those writers have explored the pesantren mission to deal with today complex challenge of life. With regard to this, the pesantren is inevitable an integral part in the development of the Indonesian literature.