Konstruksi Pernyaian: Perlawanan terhadap Dominasi Kolonial

Konstruksi Pernyaian:

Perlawanan terhadap Dominasi Kolonial

Asep Deni Saputra

Alumnus Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni, Universitas Negeri Jakarta



This writing is written to analyse pernyaian. Nyai’ was a term of address for concubine of Dutch colonialism in Indonesia especially in Java in the period of 18th century to the end of 19th century. Pernyaian is the term for the practice of being ‘Nyai’. Reasons to legitimize the practice of having and of being ‘Nyai’ conducted by some Indonesian women were varied which was either for sexual or for economic reason. The construct of pernyaian is analysed by the use of multicultural feminism approach. Result of the analysis shows that the domination of the Indonesians women who become concubines in the period of Dutch colonialism eventually raised a legal stigma for pernyaian. The resistance of these concubines was showed by promoting their social level. The practice of being concubine was not seen as sexual slavery, but seen as building a bridge between two different cultures. This was done by evoking their good self-image before the domestic, the Chinese and the European societies.

Keywords: concubine, colonial, representation, resistance.

Kajian Psikoanalisis La Grande Borne: Perlawanan Diam-diam Istri terhadap Sikap Suami yang Patriarkis

Kajian Psikoanalisis La Grande Borne:

Perlawanan Diam-diam Istri terhadap Sikap Suami

yang Patriarkis

Dara Windiyarti

Balai Bahasa Surabaya

Jalan Siwalanpanji, Buduran, Sidoarjo



This article discusses the resistance to women’s image in the novel La Grande Borne by Nh Dini. The study shows that the resistance to the image of domestic women is manifested through the status and role of women as wives and housewives. Women's abilities to maintain their roles as mothers who raise their children, show their superiority in domestic affairs even though they often get pressures as their husband always puts them in a lower position. In order to defend her self-esteem, a wife leaves her husband by having affairs with some other men respectively. Women try to find their strengths to restore their pride by turning herself to another man. In this way a woman gets the power from inside herself to survive as a respectful "wife" who in turn obtains her existence as a woman and as a wife.

Keywords: women, resistance, sex, personality.

Simsalabim Kunfayakun: Refleksi Kebangkitan Sastra Pesantren

Simsalabim Kunfayakun:

Refleksi Kebangkitan Sastra Pesantren


Pusat Bahasa, Kementrian Pendidikan Nasional

Jalan Daksinapati Barat IV, Rawamangun, Jakarta Timur 13220



This article discusses issues surrounding the pesantren (Islamic boarding school) literatures. The results of the study show that there was a series of glory of the pesantren literatures. The pesantren literatures had ever flourished in 1930s when the pesantren bodies, one of them was Djamil Suherman, wrote literatures either about the pesantren or other background. After that era, that was during the Indonesia’s independence transition period, writers put their focuses on criticizing how the new government held their administration. In the early 2000s, the pesantren literature began to live in line with the rising of young writers who had the pesantren background such as Acep Zamzam Noer and Habiburrahman El Shirazy. Prior to those two writers, there is Mustofa Bisri, one of the pesantren writers who exists in pesantren literature by writing his ideas on religious morals. All of those writers have explored the pesantren mission to deal with today complex challenge of life. With regard to this, the pesantren is inevitable an integral part in the development of the Indonesian literature.

Keywords: religiosity, morality, Islam, santri (pesantren student).

Resistensi dan Negosiasi Perempuan dalam Realitas Fiksi dan Fakta

Resistensi dan Negosiasi Perempuan

dalam Realitas Fiksi dan Fakta

Novi Anoegrajekti

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121



This paper aims to discuss how the strategy undertaken by the women in the construct of identity itself in a marginal position. Methodologically, the analysis in this paper using a multicultural perspective in discussing the issues of womanhood and the stretching of the women, particularly marginalized women. The study shows that it is very difficult to explain and determine who is exploited and who are exploited. If in the process of interaction is only considered a unilateral act, means denying the other roles that are not less important. SimakBaca secara fonetik

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The existence of the women with all the variations of life, awaken us to read a fair an identity. Is not the identity itself is a liquidity or liquidity that is actually a more appropriate also serve as identity.


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Keywords: resistance, negotiation, construction, identity, multicultural


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