Seks dan Politik dalam Sastra Indonesia[1]

Seks dan Politik dalam Sastra Indonesia[1]


Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


Associate Profesor Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, South Korea


In Indonesia controversy about sexual representation in literary works has become seminal debate until today. According to socio-cultural context in Indonesian society, sex has socio-cultural function to control some possible dangerous potency that is appeared from celebration of natural and enjoyable sexual function among individuals. Such condition becomes ideological discourse which influences sexual representation in Indonesian literatures. Using semiotics (Eco) and post-structural (Derrida) analysis, this article will discuss sexual representation and its political tendency in Indonesian literatures with two critical questions: (1) how far are Indonesian literary works represent characteristic in describing and meaning toward erotic events and (2) what factors do influence, or at least, make them possible? The result of this study shows that in some novel written in colonial era, such as Mata Gelap (Mas Marco, 1914), and in reformation era, such as Supernova (Dewi Lestari, 2003), and Mahadewa Mahadewi (Nova R. Yusuf, 2003), resistance toward sexual taboos in socio-cultural practices is represented but still much considering social norms. Such representation will make political discourses in the novel as part of authoritarianism and militarism discourses and practices. In the future, the most important thing to do in Indonesian literatures is to represent as many as possible naturalness of sexuality, as represented in Saman (Ayu Utami, 1998), that will make broader possibility to social appreciation toward sexual right and also whole individual rights.

Key words: naturalness of sexuality, social function of sexuality, Indonesian literatures, sexual politics.

[1] Artikel ini didanai oleh Hankuk University of Foreign Studies Fund, Seoul, Korea Selatan.

Sastra Anak Korea: Analisis Mitos

Sastra Anak Korea: Analisis Mitos


Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


This article discusses Korean children literature in the context of myth analysis or semiotic. Result of the study underlines that initially, both writtenly and orally, children literature was considered a discourse completed with empiricl utterance. Korean children literature was part of language which was developed as a combination where the subject (i.e. teller) is able to make use of language code in order to reveal his private mind. Within semiotic perspective, meaning in Korean children literature was not merely referred to sign but was the representation of its mental state. When Korean children literature was placed as a sign, its primordial characteristic became arbitrer. Through semiotic reading, readers is able to return the inversion of a myth. For this reason, the step is to sort the message into two different significant systems. In the first level, readers could identify each of the sign accurately. In the second level, i.e. in the level of connotative or myth, message is pull out into a wider meaning, that is a meaning whose signs refer to a group of signified or to a specific fragment of ideology.

Key words: verbal literature, discourse, semiotics, communication.

* Penulis pernah mengajar bahasa Indonesia di Hankuk University of Foreign Studies (HUFS), Seoul, Korea, 2002–2004.

Siti Nurbaya dalam Perspektif Dekonstruksi Paul de Man

Siti Nurbaya

dalam Perspektif Dekonstruksi Paul de Man

Rina Ratih Sri Sudaryani

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan, Yogyakarta


This article is revealing another side of Marah Rusli ’s novel entitled Siti Nurbaya (SN) by exploiting Paul de Man deconstruction perspective. The study indicates that SN is one of the Indonesian novels dominated by trope. Siti Nurbaya is a metaphor for the oppressed; Samsulbahri is a symbol of the educated group who is the victim of colonialism and who decides to be at the colonial side; Baginda Sulaiman is the victim of deceit; and Datuk Maringgih is the representation of the uneducated people whose ability to conduct deception finally give them chance to defeat their opponant. SN can be interpreted as an irony because it tells contradiction. This is symbolized by Siti Nurbaya’s grief. Her struggle to escape from Datuk Maringgih is the story of her own victory. Samsulbahri’s grief and his success to become a soldier using a new name, Letnan Mas, is also another victory. On the contrary, Datuk Maringgih’s glory actually signifies his failure to conquer his lady’s heart. Meaning construction in SN can be returned to it’s initial state of language meaning which is labelled as vacant meaning, which at the next step, this vacant meaning obtains its meaning by correlating with the events interrelated in the work.

Key words: rhetoric deconstruction, trope, structure, radical meaning formation

Membaca “Kecubung Pengasihan”, Menimbang Muatan Stilistika

Membaca “Kecubung Pengasihan”,

Menimbang Muatan Stilistika

Heru S.P. Saputra

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article is talking about short story entitled ”Kecubung Pengasihan” (”KP”) written by Danarto by employing Stylistics theory. The study indicates that this short story employs language potential, especially various language styles. This styles include choice of words, tones in the discourse, sound repetition, sentence structure, and the direct indirect meaning. Language style in ”KP” is a reflection of the author’s attitude who realizes the strength of language as an aesthetic discourse which at the same time has the potential to form meaning. The author’s creativity in employing language style is able to give strong and intens impression to the readers, as well as help comprehensively cohere the meaning formation to the work.

Key words: stylistics, strength of language, coherence, meaning.

Dadaisme Karya Dewi Sartika: Kajian Psikologi Sastra dan Feminisme

Dadaisme Karya Dewi Sartika:

Kajian Psikologi Sastra dan Feminisme

Akhmad Haryono

Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article is aimed at discussing Dadaisme, a novel by the Indonesian female novelist Dewi Sartika. The study is focusing on the aspect of literary psychology and feminism. Result of the literary psychology study demonstrates that this novel reflects people who are too engaged to various problems, so that they do not have the opportunity to deeply investigate the problems. Consequently, life becomes segmented, and fragmented to uncertain subdivisions. In the meantime, result from the feminism aspect demonstrates that compelled marriage is one type of injustice toward women, effect on family tragedy dan cheating problem, abnormal illegitimate child and polygamy. For that reason, this female Minang novelist wants to fight to improve women’s life quality who are the victims of compelled marriage.

Key words: fragmentation, compelled marriage, gender inequity.

Syair Lagu Gandrung: Supremasi Islam dan Identitas Using

Syair Lagu Gandrung:

Supremasi Islam dan Identitas Using

Novi Anoegrajekti

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


The long history of Gandrung has left notes that this art, which belongs to the Using community, is always faced with forces beyond itself. Market bureaucracy, and religion have long become the hegemonic forces that dominated this traditional art. The are several important things that can be seen from the whole analysis about those battles. First, as a cultural process, those hegemonic forces are formed in incoperation within various positions. Referring to the concept proposed by Williams, the as the most dominat forces in Gandrung hegemony becomes the dominat culture; the conservation of tradition becomes the residual culture because it survives by reviving meaning, values and norms that have been left; while Islam as a new this becomes the emergent culture.

Key words: Hegemony, residual, emergent, dominant, tradional art.

Ketika Beras “Berserakan” di Media: Analisis Linguistik Kritis tentang Posisi Ideologis Media dalam Pemberitaan Kelangkaan......

Ketika Beras “Berserakan” di Media:

Analisis Linguistik Kritis tentang Posisi Ideologis Media dalam Pemberitaan Kelangkaan dan Impor Beras

Ikwan Setiawan

Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


Using ideological hegemony perspective in ideological term and critical linguistics analysis, this article discusses ideological position of some national newspapers in reporting rice scarcity and import in 2007. Ideological position of newspapers become significant and important case since by understanding it, we will know how media representation function in society, whether following hegemonic-ideological discourses or making counter to them. The result of this study shows that the analyzed newspapers represents hegemonic-ideological discourses by reporting some critical conditions in society influenced by rice scarcity, a shortage need to have rice import, and some official comments from government, although one of them still has ambiguity in reporting the news.

Key words: ideological position, representation, hegemony, rice, media.

Penggunaan Bahasa Madura Keluarga Muda Etnik Madura di Jember

Penggunaan Bahasa Madura

Keluarga Muda Etnik Madura di Jember

A. Erna Rochiyati Sudarmaningtyas

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article is aimed to describe the use of Madurese by young Madurese family in Jember, a county. Description comprises three aspects, that is aspect of mastering the language, aspect of using the language and aspect of the attitude toward the language. Study was conducted through quantitative method and data collection was accomplished by the use of survey method equipped with questioner. Category was made into city and village population, and the population social status (employees, merchants, dan farmers/ labors). The use of languge was focused in the family domain. Data analysis demonstrates that generally: mastery of Madurese is dominant (41,4%), language widely used in the family is Madurese (69,3%), and the language atittude toward Madurese is dominated by positive atittude showing approval (57,1%).

Key words: Madurese, young families, mastering language, the use of language, attitude toward language.

Nosi Prefiks {N-}, {a-}, dan {ma-} dalam Bahasa Madura

Nosi Prefiks {N-}, {a-}, dan {ma-}

dalam Bahasa Madura

Akhmad Sofyan

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article discusses nosi prefix {N-}, {a-}, and {ma-} using function and word class embedded to it as the basis. Result of the study shows that prefix {N-} has nosi: (1) conducting something as intended in the root, (2) conducting something using tool, (3) enjoying, (4) working as, (5) taking out something, (6) as, (7) in the position (slightly) at, and (8) celebrating at the ... (day). Prefix {a-} contains: (1) conducting something as intended in the root, (2) conducting something using tool, (3) making, (4) in the state of, (5) issuing or producing, (6) enjoying, (7) working as, (8) containing, and (9) using. Prefix {ma-} consists of nosi: (1) causing someone else or thing to perform, (2) causing, (3) causing something to be, (4) shown or tasted as, and (5) to be.

Key words: nosi, function, word class.

Phonaesthetic: Understanding the Meaning of Words from the Sound Similarity of the Language

Phonaesthetic: Understanding the Meaning of Words

from the Sound Similarity of the Language


Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


As a means of communication, a language conveys meanings which are expressed in words. Interestingly, words which have similarity of sounds, in a few cases have similar meanings. This phenomenon – better known as phonaesthetic – occurs not only in English, but also occurs in Indonesian and Javanese languages. The words lump, bump, hump, stump, chump, rump, and plump for example, suggest similar in sound, and at the same time show the similarity of meanings. However, not all words with similar sounds will similar meanings. This article briefly discusses this language phenomena with additional samples from Indonesian and Javanese languages.

Key words: phonaesthetic, semiotic, sounds, meanings, linguistic message.

Cerita Rakyat Pesisiran Jawa Timur: Perspektif Antropologis

Cerita Rakyat Pesisiran Jawa Timur:

Perspektif Antropologis


Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


Verbal tradition or verbal art, especially folktales, are cultural aspects which could be worthy for the study and the effort to comprehend the coastal area society. This article discusses folktales originated in East Java coastal area. Result of the study shows that moral value and the theme of these coastal area folktales are contextual and in line with the social life, culture and the environment of the coastal society. Those massages and themes demonstrate the value system which needs to be understood, given close attention, and exploited to help solving the problem of the coastal area people. The exploration of these traditional values and its use for the development of the coastal area society is guaranteed by the Indonesian law. For this reason, research, study, comprehend, and make use of the study to preserve the environment resources and develop those coastal area people is a consequence from the axiologic dimension of the discipline that needs to be brought into reality.

Keywords: coastal area, folktale, social construction, verbal art.

Refleksi Tradisi Lebaran dalam Lebaran di Karet, di Karet …: Perspektif Priyayi dan Wong Cilik

Refleksi Tradisi Lebaran dalam Lebaran di Karet,

di Karet …: Perspektif Priyayi dan Wong Cilik

Titik Maslikatin

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


Collection of short stories entitled Lebaran in Karet, in Karet ..... comprises short stories about Lebaran and visit to sacred places. The analysis of this collection is employing the positivist method, that is the method that considers a literary work as social and cultural document, regardless its quality, because every literary work is judged as the reflection of the society. The analysis demonstrates that for bourgeoisie Lebaran means sustaining the culture. In this way, ritual is not performed completely; meanwhile for the common people, Lebaran means performing the religious ritual and is by no means preserving the tradition of Lebaran.

Keywords: bourgeoisie, common people, culture, ritual, lebaran day.

Potret Buram Rezim Orde Baru dalam Saman dan Larung Karya Ayu Utami: Kajian Sosiologi Sastra

Potret Buram Rezim Orde Baru

dalam Saman dan Larung Karya Ayu Utami:

Kajian Sosiologi Sastra


Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article shows a concept that literary works, in this case novels, can become one of social documents. A novel can be more honest than that of other mass media, such as newspapers, magazines or televisions. It reveals the social phenomena even more freely than those media, so we can see the social facts or political facts from its narration. These two novels talk freely about many aspects of life – religion, sexuality, poverty, and culture. Both selected novels have exposed the dark portrait of Soeharto’s Regime – the efforts to shield its status quo and the violence against Indonesian Communist Party along with all the participants. The efforts to interdict The Indonesian Democratic Party lead by Megawati Soekarno Putri, the forbiddance of Tempo magazine, Editor and Detik Tabloid and the arrest of some political activists.

Key words: novel, reflection, dark portrait, political facts, Orde Baru.

Analisis Stilistika Cerpen “Bunyi Hujan di Atas Genting” Karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma

Analisis Stilistika Cerpen “Bunyi Hujan di Atas Genting” Karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma

Sainul Hermawan

Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa dan Seni

Fakultas Keguruan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Jalan Brigjend H.Hasan Basry, Kayu Tangi, Banjarmasin


This article trace language style of a short story, “Bunyi Hujan di atas Genting” written by Seno Gumira Ajidarma to know how ingredient of energy imagine with reality of factual-empiric tidy in way of saying nimble and fresh Ianguage, effective sentences and brief dialogues and bare but always tickle and naughty. Analysis find that there are some Ianguage styles weared by author as medium narrating of this short story by giving more dominant frequency portion at selected Ianguage style to create aesthetic effect, atmosphere, and selected meaning. There are frequency apparition of Ianguage style of erotesis, repeatation, assonance, and alliteration of elpsis which is dominant relative isn't it atmosphere of melodius threatened and gloomy.

Keywords: stylistics, Ianguage style, short story.

The Tyrant Kings in “Sonnet 29”

The Tyrant Kings in “Sonnet 29”

Henriono Nugroho

Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article concerns with a stylistic analysis on a poem in terms of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Verbal Art Semiotics. The writing uses library research, qualitative data, documentary study, descriptive method and intrinsic-objective approach. The semantic analysis results in both automatized and foregrounded meanings. Then the automatized meaning produces lexical cohesion and in turn, it produces subject matter. Meanwhile, the foregrounded meaning produces the literary meaning and in turn, it creates theme. Finally, the analysis indicates that subject matter is about a poet who disgraces his kingdom, the literary meaning is about the tyrant kings and theme is about tyranny.

Keyword: automatized meaning, foregrounded meaning, subject matter, literary meaning, theme

The Absurdity of Main Character Depicted in Beckett's Waiting for Godot

The Absurdity of Main Character Depicted in Beckett's Waiting for Godot

Siti Masitoh

Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Humaniora dan Budaya Universitas Islam Negeri Malang

Jalan Gajayana 50 Malang


This article is aimed at revealing the way how the characters are described as absurb men and understanding the inferences of their absurdity. Thus, the Theory of the Absurd which discusses about the tradition of the absurd and its significance is really needed, furthermore, due to the fact that the object is a play, this analysis can be classified into Literary Criticism. Then, the absurdity is presented through the characters so the Psychological Approach is the suitable approach used. The result of the analysis show that every character is characterized as a very specific character who has his own characteristics that is different from each other but they complete each other. Through their actions and dialogue, they are really absurd men.

Key words: absurd, psychological approach, character.

Linguistik dan Psikologi: Hubungan dan Pengaruhnya

Linguistik dan Psikologi: Hubungan dan Pengaruhnya

Luita Aribowo

Departemen Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Airlangga



Language and psychology are two different entities which are closely connected and unseparable. For that reason, linguistics and psychology to some extent under certain circumstance relate to each other and has reciprocal influnce, that they are able to create psycholinguistics. This article talks about aspects in linguistics and psychology which interralated and lead to psycholinguistics. Based on this study some conclusions are drawn: (1) language is acquired and used by human as the product and the process of theories of psychology, (2) without the theory of psychology, one cannot figure out how language is acquiered, stored, and used by human, and (3) language contributes its role to the research of psychology of development and psychology of cognition.

Key words: linguistics, psychology, language, soul, cognitive.


    semiotika map's
