Ketika Beras “Berserakan” di Media: Analisis Linguistik Kritis tentang Posisi Ideologis Media dalam Pemberitaan Kelangkaan......

Ketika Beras “Berserakan” di Media:

Analisis Linguistik Kritis tentang Posisi Ideologis Media dalam Pemberitaan Kelangkaan dan Impor Beras

Ikwan Setiawan

Jurusan Sastra Inggris

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


Using ideological hegemony perspective in ideological term and critical linguistics analysis, this article discusses ideological position of some national newspapers in reporting rice scarcity and import in 2007. Ideological position of newspapers become significant and important case since by understanding it, we will know how media representation function in society, whether following hegemonic-ideological discourses or making counter to them. The result of this study shows that the analyzed newspapers represents hegemonic-ideological discourses by reporting some critical conditions in society influenced by rice scarcity, a shortage need to have rice import, and some official comments from government, although one of them still has ambiguity in reporting the news.

Key words: ideological position, representation, hegemony, rice, media.
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