Nosi Prefiks {N-}, {a-}, dan {ma-} dalam Bahasa Madura

Nosi Prefiks {N-}, {a-}, dan {ma-}

dalam Bahasa Madura

Akhmad Sofyan

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article discusses nosi prefix {N-}, {a-}, and {ma-} using function and word class embedded to it as the basis. Result of the study shows that prefix {N-} has nosi: (1) conducting something as intended in the root, (2) conducting something using tool, (3) enjoying, (4) working as, (5) taking out something, (6) as, (7) in the position (slightly) at, and (8) celebrating at the ... (day). Prefix {a-} contains: (1) conducting something as intended in the root, (2) conducting something using tool, (3) making, (4) in the state of, (5) issuing or producing, (6) enjoying, (7) working as, (8) containing, and (9) using. Prefix {ma-} consists of nosi: (1) causing someone else or thing to perform, (2) causing, (3) causing something to be, (4) shown or tasted as, and (5) to be.

Key words: nosi, function, word class.

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