Linguistik dan Psikologi: Hubungan dan Pengaruhnya

Linguistik dan Psikologi: Hubungan dan Pengaruhnya

Luita Aribowo

Departemen Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Airlangga



Language and psychology are two different entities which are closely connected and unseparable. For that reason, linguistics and psychology to some extent under certain circumstance relate to each other and has reciprocal influnce, that they are able to create psycholinguistics. This article talks about aspects in linguistics and psychology which interralated and lead to psycholinguistics. Based on this study some conclusions are drawn: (1) language is acquired and used by human as the product and the process of theories of psychology, (2) without the theory of psychology, one cannot figure out how language is acquiered, stored, and used by human, and (3) language contributes its role to the research of psychology of development and psychology of cognition.

Key words: linguistics, psychology, language, soul, cognitive.
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