Penggunaan Bahasa Madura Keluarga Muda Etnik Madura di Jember

Penggunaan Bahasa Madura

Keluarga Muda Etnik Madura di Jember

A. Erna Rochiyati Sudarmaningtyas

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


This article is aimed to describe the use of Madurese by young Madurese family in Jember, a county. Description comprises three aspects, that is aspect of mastering the language, aspect of using the language and aspect of the attitude toward the language. Study was conducted through quantitative method and data collection was accomplished by the use of survey method equipped with questioner. Category was made into city and village population, and the population social status (employees, merchants, dan farmers/ labors). The use of languge was focused in the family domain. Data analysis demonstrates that generally: mastery of Madurese is dominant (41,4%), language widely used in the family is Madurese (69,3%), and the language atittude toward Madurese is dominated by positive atittude showing approval (57,1%).

Key words: Madurese, young families, mastering language, the use of language, attitude toward language.

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