Leksikon Etnofishery dan Kearifan Lokal Suku Bugis di Tarakan sebagai Masyarakat Petambak: Kajian Etnolinguistik

Leksikon Etnofishery dan Kearifan Lokal Suku Bugis

di Tarakan sebagai Masyarakat Petambak:

Kajian Etnolinguistik

Dwi Cahyono Aji

Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Universitas Borneo, Tarakan



Language reflect human conceptualization, human imterpretation of the world. This paper describes lexicons ethnofishery and local wisdom in Bugisnesse in terms of the Bugisnesse speaker’s conceptualization/interpretation of ethnofishery. The result show that the Bugisnesse have many lexicons of the water, soil, plant, etcetera.

Keywords: lexicons, ethnofishery, category.

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