Drama Pinangan Karya Anton Chekov: Kesetiaan pada Struktur

Drama Pinangan Karya Anton Chekov:

Kesetiaan pada Struktur

M. Ilham

Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121



As a literary text, a play has some aspects, such as setting, character, conflict, plot suspense, theme and foreshadowing. Those aspects can be found in a play, although the author’s ideas in the play are presented in dialogue. This research is intended to the internal aspects of Pinangan (The Marriage Proposal) written by Anton Chekov, and uses an approach which is called structural approach. This approach is usually used to examine internal aspects of a literary work, and starts from an argument that a literary work is autonomous and it has interrelationship among its internal aspects. The structure of this play consists of some aspects, such as acts and scenes, dialogue, theme, character, characterization, conflict, plot, etc. The central issue of the play is the marriage proposal, which then used by the author as the title of the play; whereas the messages to be delivered by the author are the fight among the characters and the cause of the fight. The content of the play shows that this play can be categorized as comedy.

Keywords: structure, internal aspects, comedy.
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