Refleksi Tradisi Lebaran dalam Lebaran di Karet, di Karet …: Perspektif Priyayi dan Wong Cilik

Refleksi Tradisi Lebaran dalam Lebaran di Karet,

di Karet …: Perspektif Priyayi dan Wong Cilik

Titik Maslikatin

Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


Collection of short stories entitled Lebaran in Karet, in Karet ..... comprises short stories about Lebaran and visit to sacred places. The analysis of this collection is employing the positivist method, that is the method that considers a literary work as social and cultural document, regardless its quality, because every literary work is judged as the reflection of the society. The analysis demonstrates that for bourgeoisie Lebaran means sustaining the culture. In this way, ritual is not performed completely; meanwhile for the common people, Lebaran means performing the religious ritual and is by no means preserving the tradition of Lebaran.

Keywords: bourgeoisie, common people, culture, ritual, lebaran day.

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