Wacana Dekonstruksi Kekuasaan: Fenomena Sosial, Kajian Budaya, dan Representasi Sastra

Wacana Dekonstruksi Kekuasaan:

Fenomena Sosial, Kajian Budaya,

dan Representasi Sastra


Program Studi Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang


This article discusses the discourse on power deconstruction, both in relation with social phenomena and other phenomena reflected in literature. This discussion is based on the cultural perspective. Result of the discussion demonstrates that author as the producer of literary text attempts to reconcile some elements: language aesthetic, human inner conflict, moral, values, harmony, greatness, greed, and power. To some extent, an author of a text has a significant role in constructing the element of power. In this context, an author indirectly roles to form, to institutionalize, and to socialize cultural practices. Nevertheless, the practice of culture does not always ballance social order, which in return shape an expectation that reading skill will lead to develop the skill to intervene pressing cultural practice. On the other side, deconstruction is an effective strategy to criticize the implied idiology in the text. In literary communication, the concept of ideology is crucial since literary text enable to strengthten or to destroy value and norm in society. That is why postructuralists struggle to reveal social problem by taking the side of the unforgotten or the marginalized. In this way, the unforgotten and the marginalized do not have freedom to identify himself as seen in Saman (Ayu Utami) and Arok Dedes (Pramoedya Ananta Toer).

Keywords: ideology, social order,cultural studies, postcolonialism, poststructuralism.
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