Kajian Politik Drama Mangir Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer

Kajian Politik Drama Mangir

Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer

Memphi Rezha

Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Indonesia

Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember


This article tries to define the political dimension in Pamudya ananta Toer drama Mangir. The study utilizes structural and pragmatic approach. Result of the study demonstrates that generally drama Mangir tells Mataram King’s leadership, Senapati, who has long been a dictator and the wise man, Tua Mangir, Wanabaya. The King of Mataram is authoritative, meanwhile Tua Mangir makes use of discussion and agreement. At the same time Tua Mangir gives his people freedom to convey ideas. People of Mangir hold their freedom to improve any potential and develop natural resources. On the other hand, in Mataram the privilege of developing natural resources falls on the hand of the King’s clan. The advantage of dissecting such problem from this drama is that people can learn about how to run a well authority, he has to be wise and perform fair, honest, and good order.

Key words: politics, state, authority

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