Klausa Subordiantif dalam Bahasa Gorontalo

Klausa Subordiantif dalam Bahasa Gorontalo

Marina Pakaja

IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo


Gorontalo Language (GL) to date is still used as official language and cultural language by Gorontalo people. Using structural-descriptive approach this article discusses (1) syntactic function of GL subordinate clause, (2) sentence class that fill GL subordinate clause, and (3) its semantic relation. Subordinate clause in the form of circumstance in GL functions to explain P and S–P; in the form of PEL functions to explain S–P; in the form of O function to explain P–O. Sentence class which fills GL subordinate clause in the form of circumstance is N, V, and Adj. Meanwhile P is filled by V. Semantic relation between subordinate clauses in ranked compound sentence in GL is determined by the used subordinator.

Key words: The complex sentences, subordinate clause, Gorontalo Language.

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