Tokoh Heathcliff dalam Novel Wuthering Heights
Karya Emily Bronte: Kajian Psikodinamika
Noersamsudin D.
Jurusan Sastra Inggris, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121
This article aims to assess the character Heathcliff in the novel Wuthering Heights. This Study using a psychodynamic perspective. The study shows that as human beings, Heatcliff wants to fulfill basic human needs, both as individuals and as social beings. He can’t live alone. As an individual, he needs respect and admiration for his achievement. In public life, he needs someone else to each other mutual assistance. Basic needs for human life can’t be obtained by Heathcliff. Thus, in the context of psychodynamic, Heathcliff life's journey have not found the mouth of a form of harmony. Psychologically, both as individual beings and social beings, Heathcliff can’t fulfill all wishes and hopes to live peacefully.