Strategi Pelestarian dan Pengembangan Bahasa dan Sastra Madura

Strategi Pelestarian dan Pengembangan

Bahasa dan Sastra Madura*


Jurusan Sastra Indonesia, Fakultas Sastra, Universitas Jember

Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121


During the time, social change and development in Madura have potency to menace the existency of Ianguage and art Madura. As social capital of area development, Ianguage and art of Madura have to preserve and developed, by entangling sinergy of role and activity between government of regency and society elements. Continuation of and development of Ianguage of Madura will succeed during supported by serious attention, policy consistency, participate all party which commit, and adequate resource support

Keywords: Madurese language, Madurese art, social capital, preservation, development.

* Versi awal merupakan makalah yang dipresentasikan dalam Kongres I Bahasa Madura, di Pamekasan, 2008.

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