Novel Kubah Karya Ahmad Tohari:
Analisis Tingkat Kebutuhan Manusia
B.M. Sri Suwarni Rahayu
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121
This article dissects the degree of human needs reflected in novel Kubah by using humanistic psychology perspective. Structural and pragmatic approach are worthy to be employed in the study. Result of the study shows that this novel reveals an ex political prisoner’s repentance. The main character (Karman) has come to the degree of self actualization, thus the quality of his personal developmnet achieves its individuality, maturity, and healthy soul. In the same way, the supporting characters, Rifah and Hasyim, have achieved their self dignity. The other supporting characters, Haji Bakir, Margo, Triman, and Marni have acquired the sense of love and sense of belonging.