Kohesi Gramatikal dalam Wacana Rubrik Remaja DetEksi Jawa Pos

Kohesi Gramatikal

dalam Wacana Rubrik Remaja DetEksi Jawa Pos

Foriyani Subiyatningsih

Balai Bahasa Surabaya


The purpose of this research is to describe the grammatical cohesion in teenage column “DetEksi” Jawa Pos. Many aspects build up the column into a single entity. One of the aspects of it is cohesion which is divided into two, they are grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. In this column readers could find four marks of grammatical cohesion that include: (1) reference, (2) subtitution, (3) elliption, and (4) conjunction.

Key words: discourse, cohesion, grammatical, Jawa Pos.
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