Jurnal Semiotika
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra UNEJ
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Pantun Nusantara: Penjinak Globalisasi
Muhammad Haji Salleh
Universiti Sains Malaysia
Pulau Pinang
This article tries to analyze the existence and the dynamic of Indonesian pantunin the global era. The analysis uses descriptive approach. Result of the analysis shows that global movement swipe out and devastate nation as well as world wide determination and literature. More than that, the form of pantunwhich frames the aesthetic of Malayan culture which is emphasized and colored by specific value and nature has been affected by the influential global weave. Nevertheless, due to the strength of pantunform which has been tested by the dynamic of eras and diverse culture so in its journey to Europe at the end of the 19th century,pantun began to find its universal or global format. Lately, because of the flood of books, radios and the internet or cyber media, its existence has not yet declined but on the contrary it shows its ability to compromise and utilize the sophistication of technology to reformulate itself in order to adjust with the development of the world. In such, Indonesia lends its local genius to the world, which in return world colors pantun with its nature and feature. This must be understood as an inevitable mutual relation in global context.
Key words: pantun, local culture, technology, global movement.
This article dissects theimage projectionfound in the compilation of short stories Saksi Mata by Seno Gumira Ajidarma. The analysis uses postmodernism approach using Baudrilard simulacrum perspective. The result of the analysis describes that “the politic of short story” is Seno’s strategy to share out his anxiety and concern which mass media cannot accommodate. To overcome this Seno articulates them to his readers through short stories. The compilation of his short stories is dominated by his deep contemplation on many political harassment occurred in Indonesia. To him the situation was so outrageous. His witness and experience as a journalist facing the political brutality are portrayed as wild and harsh imagein his short story. Reciprocal relation between himself as a journalist whose freedom in exposing the truth is banned then finds a way out on the hilarious simulacra that means “more true than the truth” and “more real than the reality”.
Key words: short story politic, political short story, postmodern, simulacrum
*Disunting dari makalah yang dipresentasikan pada Konferensi Internasional Kesusastraan HISKI di Manado, 25–27Agustus 2004.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Etnisitas dalam Sastra Indonesia:
Gambaran Sastra Indonesia di Yogyakarta
Imam Budi Utomo
Balai Bahasa Yogyakarta
This article wants to find out ethnicity in Indonesian literature, especially in Yogyakarta. The analysis employs descriptive method. Result of the analysis demonstrates that ethnicity in Indonesian literature includes two related meaning, internal and external. Internal meaning says that Indonesian literature has central and local polarizations. Either internal or external, ethnicity in the Indonesian literature is a legitimate phenomenon. This could be seen from its historical background; that is Indonesia as a group of diverse ethnics which comprises one nation, one country and one language, Indonesian. That is why, works of literature that use Indonesian as the unification language would not be freed from the idea and ethnic elementwhere the literary men were born and raised. Under the threat of nation disintegration as the consequence of extreme centralized control toward local governments in the past, ethnicity in the Indonesian literature as a form of decentralization becomes an alternative forum for different Indonesian ethnics to reinforce the Indonesian identity. Yogyakarta offers this kind of alternative.
Key words: Ethnicity, identity, literature, local color.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Generic Structure in Serat Centhini
Henriono Nugroho
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji Serat Centhini melalui analisis stilistika berdasarkan ilmu bahasa sistematik fungsional. Kajian menggunakan studi pustaka, metode deduktif, dan pendekatan intrinsik objektif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa sebagai puisi naratif Serat Centhini mempunyai struktur generik dengan empat tahapan, yaitu Pendahuluan (Orientation), Kerumitan (Complication), Penyelesaian (Resolution), dan Penutup (Coda). Narasi dikembangkan oleh pengarang dengan pengulangan Complication dan Resolution sebanyak dua puluh satu kali. Dengan demikian, Serat Centhini sebagai puisi Jawa naratif ditulis dengan struktur generik yang baku.
Kata kunci:Serat Centhini, puisi naratif, stilistika, struktur generik.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Epik dalam Sastra Lisan Dayak Ngaju
Balai Bahasa Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
This article is aimed at examining the figure and meaning of a hero to Dayak Ngaju people. Examination uses folklore approach. Result of the examination demonstrates that Dayak Ngaju folklore is one of the wealthy ranges of literature which describes way of thinking, customs, social condition of the people, individual character, person-to-society relation, and the value system found in Dayak Ngaju society. Heroes in Dayak Ngaju’s folklore have typical identification such as, robust, undefeatable, wise, and very affectionate. Such physical and spiritual descriptions fit the ideal image of a hero universally accepted. Such characteristics illustrate a hero with its total aspects. They are human who voluntarily devote himself to any changes. They are able to handle individual, time and space limitations to achieve widely accepted humanism values.
Key words: value, heroism, folklore, Dayak Ngaju.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Macan Betina yang Anggun di Belantara Raksasa:
Telaah Poskolonial terhadap Nyai Ontosoroh
Dara Windiyarti
Balai Bahasa Surabaya
The goal of this article is to study the identity of Nyai Ontosoroh in Pramoedya Ananta Toer BumiManusia. Study make use of postcolonial perspective. Result ofthe study indicates that Nyai Ontosoroh as the main character is a controversial person: in one side she is elegant, wise, and helpful and on the other side she always astonishes her environment. Nevertheless, she is always an idol for other people: modern, thinking freely, open minded, ready to have a go, hard work, and brave. Strong self character leads her way to live in the unknown colonial situation, so she is able to build her self image as a “female lion” who force others not to bother her. Nyai Ontosoroh’s bravery to learn Deutch, general knowledge, and build her company, reflects that indigenous people are always inferior. Nyai Ontosoroh’ existence becomes a reconstructed portrayal of ways of thinking of the orientalist full of cultural bias that Western culture is dynamic and masculine, on the contrary Eastern culture is commonly static and feminine.
Key words: structure, postcolonial, female
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Kajian Politik Drama Mangir
Karya Pramoedya Ananta Toer
Memphi Rezha
Mahasiswa Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
This article tries to define the political dimension in Pamudya ananta Toer drama Mangir. The study utilizes structural and pragmatic approach. Result of the study demonstrates that generally drama Mangir tells Mataram King’s leadership, Senapati, who has long been a dictator and the wise man, Tua Mangir, Wanabaya.The King of Mataram is authoritative, meanwhile Tua Mangir makes use of discussion and agreement. At the same time Tua Mangir gives his people freedom to convey ideas. People of Mangir hold their freedom to improve any potential and develop natural resources. On the other hand, in Mataram the privilege of developing natural resources falls on the hand of the King’s clan. The advantage of dissecting such problem from this drama is that people can learn about how to run a well authority, he has to be wise and perform fair, honest, and good order.
Key words: politics, state, authority
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Implikasi Siaran Berita Televisi terhadap Sikap
dan Perilaku Masyarakat Pedesaan di Jember
Christanto P. Rahardjo
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
TV news do not only function as transferring information but has its strong role to form the viewers’ attitude and behavior. Using contain analysis (qualitativeapproach), this article discusses the impact of TV news toward the attitude and behavior of Jember villagers. TV news showing simulacrum harassment and crime scenestend to invite viewers to conduct imitation. This would likely to occur especially on the uneducated viewers living at the villages who do not have high consideration on which is good and which is bad.As a result, villagers swipe away their local wisdom and cultural values and at the same time they are trapped in mass panic. This would apparently induce social chaos in the long run.
Interaction (including trade interaction) follows certain formulated pattern. Using communication ethnography approach, this article will discuss certain communication pattern between vendor and the buyers found in Jember county, East Java. Finding of the research indicates that interaction pattern between seller and subscribing buyers is different from that of seller and non-subscribing buyers. Seller-subscribing buyer interactions are not dominated by many bargains. On the contrary, seller-non subscribing buyer interactions involve many negotiations.
The purpose of this research is to describe the grammatical cohesion in teenage column “DetEksi” Jawa Pos. Many aspects build up the column into a single entity. One of the aspects of it is cohesion which is divided into two, they are grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion. In this column readers could find four marks of grammatical cohesion that include: (1) reference, (2) subtitution, (3) elliption, and (4) conjunction.
Key words:discourse, cohesion, grammatical, Jawa Pos.