Sikap Berbahasa Orang Banjar dalam Komunikasi
Antaretnik di Banjarmasin
Endang Sulistyowati
STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
Jalan Sultan Adam Kompleks H. Iyus No. 18 Banjarmasin 70121
Telp. (0511) 4325443, Faks. (0511) 4325443
This article illustrates about Banjar people attitude in speaks especially how they look at their language, attitude about speaks to other ethnics, and situation of inter-ethnics communication in Banjarmasin. Banjar people look about their language, Banjarese, as a varian Malay, so in trading activity with other ethnics are used Banjarese. Beside, in trading activity, it is used in religion activity and inter-personal communication in inter-ethnics in Banjarmasin. Attitude and view of Banjar people to tradition and religion Islam make prestise to Banjarese, so make into other ethnics who come to Banjarmasin are strived to learn Banjarese.
Keywords: language attitude, Banjar people, Banjarese, Malay, interetnic communication.