Unsur Fonologis dan Morfologis sebagai
Penanda Jender dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Agustina Dewi S.
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121
This article is aimed to describe phonological and morphological lingual units used as gender marker in the Indonesian. Data is taken from written text and collected by the use of simak (observation) method. Analysis is completed with synonamous and agih (immediate constutuents) method. Result of the analysis shows that gender in the Indonesian usually is marked by phonemic and morphemic units. Gender marker in the form of phonem are phonem /a/ and /o/ for masculinity and phonem /i/ for femininity. Gender marker in the form of morphem are suffixes {-wan}, {-man}, {-in}, {-ur}, for masculinity or neutral and suffixes {-wati}, {-at}, {-ris}, {-ita} for femininity. In Indonesian, dichotomy on the masculinity and femininity markers are not found. Word majority show neutral gender, with no strict gender system, nor concord sytem.