Jurnal Semiotika
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra UNEJ
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
“Is It Time to Make Men Powerless?”
Carnivalesque and Deconstruction Reading on
A Narrative of Women Resistance
Ikwan Setiawan
Faculty of LettersJemberUniversity
Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121
This article discusses women resistance as the main narrative in Suami-suami Takut Istri (The Husbands Who’re Afraid of Their Wives, hereafter SSTI), a situation comedy (hereafter sitcom/s) which gains vast popularity among the viewers of one of the Indonesian television programs. However, among others, SSTI is a distinct program, since it represents women resistance to their husbands in domestic life; onething which is rarely found in the Indonesian context where mostwomen still experience many difficulties and violence, both psychological and physical. This sitcom in its gendered narratives always articulates some ‘super women’ that can control their husbands in domestic life. In SSTI, we will find contextualization of some critical thoughts about popular media and their genre as the site of struggle in the process of articulation and negotiation which put women culture as resistance toward patriarchal hegemony as explored by postfeminist thought. Using Bakthin’s carnivalisque concept, this writing shows theoretical underpinning a carnival text or practice as site of resistance, despite the fact that through Derridean and Foucauldian reading there is still stereotypical problem of positioning women as the negative subject or as the other from which the resisting women seems afraid of loosing their husbands.
Keywords:carnival text, postfeminist, women culture, resistance, deconstruction.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Perempuan Jawa Menurut Balzac
dalam Voyage de Paris à Java:
Dominasi dan Subordinasi Imajiner
Wening Udasmoro
Jurusan Sastra Perancis
Fakultas Ilmu Budaya Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta
In the contemporary power relation theories, many scholars define domination or subordination in the level of praxis. Foucault explained the domination of certain institutions vis à vis the society from historical perspective in the 17th to 19th century. Bourdieu viewed the symbolic domination at the end of the 1960s after he analyzed the education system in France. However, many of these scholars did not emphasize the importance of the concept of imaginary domination. Therefore, this article attempts to show that prior to practicing domination in reality, initially, imaginary domination or subordination is formulated in the mind of persons. As such, this imaginary domination is used to define the identity of other individual, or group of persons. Even before knowing someone else’s character, one tends to conceptualize the quality of the person by using the difference of class, physical appearance, age, gender, etc. Balzac’s novel, Voyage de Paris à Java, is used as a case in point to explain and expound this concept.
Sexual disorder is no longer called new issue. Rather, it was found thousand years back in the ancient Egypt, Greek legends, Rome Empire histories, Indian fantastic myths, Indonesian legends, and modernliterature. In literature, theme on sexual disorder had involved many parties. Beside human beings, giants and gods are those who involve in this specific theme. In the Indonesian literature, assorted theme on sexual disorder include homosexuality, transexual, incest, and rape. These types of sexual disorder never stand alone, but engaged to and are result of the disharmonious social relation. The technics of revelation of these type of sexual disorder by an author are reflected in literature in two ways, explicitly and implied. Given that literature is one form of social facts as well as the reflection of social reality, sexual disorder explored in literature is also seen as the reflection of abnormal social reality.
This research is meant to reveal the personality structure of the monologue drama character “Bos” written by Putu Wijaya. Themethod used is pragmatic approach by stressing on personal psychological aspects. The result shows that the main character that has a status as a waiter (a poor person) underwent a personality acceleration, that is te super ego, that is able to control id and ego, coming togethet in the path of truth. However, in the end of story, in a stressed condition (intense economic crisis) the super ego cannot control the id and the ego
Keywords: personality psychology, id, ego, super ego
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Identitas Kultural Dayak
dalam Sajak-sajak H.A. Badar Sulaiman Usin
Ai Kurniati
Balai Bahasa Provinsi Kalimantan Tengah
Jalan Tingang km 3,5 Palangkaraya, Kalimantan Tengah
Local color literature is one of literary genres which is rarely studied. This article is intended to study H.A. Badar Sulaiman Usin’s (HABSU) poems containing local color element assembled in Rambahan, a collection of poems. HABSU was a poet born and raised up in the Center of Kalimantan Province. This study demonstrates that HABSU’s poems represent Dyak local color and reflect Dyak cultural identity. This representation of Dyak local color is expressed by the use of code mixing, that isthe use of Bahasa Indonesia and Dyak language. In addition to that, Dyak local color is articulated by the description of setting which comprises setting of place, setting of nature, and setting of the social culture. Local color literature has a strategic role in the distribution of local identity and values of traditional culture. It even has huge contribution in revivingtradition.
Keywords: local color literature, local wisdom, social reflection, reviving tradition, code mixing
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
The Nutritious Drink in “The Cow”
Henriono Nugroho
Faculty of LettersJemberUniversity
Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121
This article concerns with a stylistic analysis on a poem in terms of Systemic Functional Linguistics and Verbal Art Semiotics. The writing uses library research, qualitative data, documentary study, descriptive method and intrinsic-objective approach. The semantic analysis results in both automatized and foregrounded meanings. Then the automatized meaning produces lexical cohesion and in turn, it produces subject matter. Meanwhile, the foregrounded meaning produces the literary meaning and in turn, it creates theme. Finally, the analysis indicates that the subject matter is about milkmen, the literary meaning is about Australian milk, and the theme is about the nutritious drink.
This article discusses the discourse on power deconstruction, both in relation with social phenomena and other phenomena reflected in literature. This discussion is based on the cultural perspective. Result of the discussion demonstrates that author as the producer of literary text attempts to reconcile some elements: language aesthetic, human inner conflict, moral, values, harmony, greatness, greed, and power. To some extent, an author of a text has a significant role in constructing the element of power. In this context, an author indirectly roles to form, to institutionalize, and to socialize cultural practices. Nevertheless, the practice of culture does not always ballance social order, which in return shape an expectation that reading skill will lead to develop the skill to intervene pressing cultural practice. On the other side, deconstruction is an effective strategy to criticize the implied idiology in the text. In literary communication, the concept of ideology is crucial since literary text enable to strengthten or to destroy value and norm in society.That is why postructuralists struggle to reveal social problem by taking the side of the unforgotten or the marginalized. In this way, the unforgotten and the marginalized do not have freedom to identify himself as seen in Saman (Ayu Utami) andArok Dedes (Pramoedya Ananta Toer).
Keywords: ideology, social order,cultural studies, postcolonialism, poststructuralism.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Mempersoalkan Karakteristik Sastra Koran
dalam Bingkai Industri Kultural
Dian Susilastri
Balai Bahasa Palembang
Jalan Amri Yahya S.U. 1, Jakabaring
This article is aimed to discussthe characteristic of literature in newspaper in relation with Theindustry of culture. To date, newspaper literature has developed its massive role in the dynamic progress of the Indonesian literature. Result of the study shows that newspaper literature becomes an integral part of the industry of culture under capitalist institution whose order is otonomously accomplished. The hegemony of industrialism upon newspaper literature has to be encountered wisely since its implication affect the development of intelect, spiritual, aesthetic value, and at the same time turn out to be the reflection of the society cultural aspect. Ultimately, newspaper literature in Indonesia colors the dynamic progress of the Indonesian literature. Indirectly, the editor of newspaper literature, as the man behind the scene, contributes a significant role to the development of newspaper literature. In this way, the editor’s otonomous criticism has to be carried out seriously. Conditions prescribed by the editor concerning the trend of theme, structure, and genre cannot be seen as a restriction to the author’s creative process. Rather it must be appreciated as a media to make all writers aware that newspaper literature is an unseperable part of the industry of culture.
Keywords:publisher, mass media, editor, contextual, creativity.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Unsur Fonologis dan Morfologis sebagai
Penanda Jender dalam Bahasa Indonesia
Agustina Dewi S.
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
Jalan Kalimantan 37 Jember 68121
This article is aimed to describe phonologicaland morphological lingual units used as gender marker in the Indonesian. Data is taken from written text and collected by the use ofsimak (observation) method. Analysis is completed with synonamous andagih (immediate constutuents) method. Result of the analysis shows that gender in the Indonesian usually is marked by phonemic and morphemic units. Gender marker in the form of phonem are phonem /a/ and /o/ for masculinity and phonem /i/ for femininity. Gender marker in the form of morphem are suffixes {-wan}, {-man}, {-in}, {-ur}, for masculinity or neutral and suffixes {-wati}, {-at}, {-ris}, {-ita} for femininity. In Indonesian, dichotomy on the masculinity and femininity markers are not found. Word majority show neutral gender, with no strict gender system, nor concord sytem.
Keywords: gender marker, written text, phonology, morphology, Indonesian.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Sikap Berbahasa Orang Banjar dalam Komunikasi
Antaretnik di Banjarmasin
Endang Sulistyowati
STKIP PGRI Banjarmasin
Jalan Sultan Adam Kompleks H. Iyus No. 18 Banjarmasin 70121
Telp. (0511) 4325443, Faks. (0511) 4325443
This article illustrates about Banjar people attitude in speaks especially how they look at their language, attitude about speaks to other ethnics, and situation of inter-ethnics communication in Banjarmasin. Banjar people look about their language, Banjarese, as a varian Malay, so in trading activity with other ethnics are used Banjarese. Beside, in trading activity, it is used in religion activity and inter-personal communication in inter-ethnics in Banjarmasin. Attitude and view of Banjar people to tradition and religion Islam make prestise to Banjarese, so make into other ethnics who come to Banjarmasin are strived to learn Banjarese.
Keywords: language attitude, Banjar people, Banjarese, Malay, interetnic communication.