Jurnal Semiotika
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra UNEJ
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Aesthetic Function in the Poem
Henriono Nugroho
Jurusan Sastra Inggris
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji karya sastra melalui analisis stilistika yang didasarkan pada ilmu bahasa sistemik fungsional. Metode penelitian menggunakan studi pustaka dan pendekatan intrinsik objektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa analisis semantik menghasilkan makna bahasa latar belakang (the automatized linguistic meanings) dan makna bahasa latar depan (the foregrounded linguistic meanings). Makna pertama menghasilkan masalah utama (subject matter), sedangkan makna kedua menghasilkan makna sastra (literary meaning). Selanjutnya, makna sastra menghasilkan tema. Akhirnya dipahami bahwa masalah utama berkisah tentang pemimpin yang bijak, jujur, tegas, terhormat, sedangkan makna sastra tentang ancaman keruntuhan Inggris tahun 1806, serta tema tentang komentar sosial politik terhadap Inggris.
Kata kunci: makna bahasa latar belakang, makna bahasa latar depan, masalah utama, makna sastra, tema.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Novel Kenanga Karya Oka Rusmini:
Kajian Hermeneutik Freudian
Setya Yuwana Sudikan
Fakultas Bahasa dan Seni
Universitas Negeri Surabaya
This article will analyze character in novel Kenanga by Oka Rusmini using Freudian hermeneutic theory. The method being used is interpretation with chose recitation. The result of the analysis finds that the technique of narration is in harmony and psychological conflict between the two characters Kenanga and Intan, is conspicuons. The inner conflict which is analysed by the use of Freudian hermeneutic (psychotext) which includes id, ego, and superego, neurosis anxicty and reality principles is appropriate to expose Kenanga and Intan’s way of thinking and inner condition when they are facing problems. In fact the two characters are not able to dolve the challenge offered by the problems. This makes readers easily understand the principle concept offered by Freudian hermeneutic theory through the novel Kenanga.
Program Pendidikan Seni Tari, Jurusan Seni dan Desain
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang
Malang Mask Puppet show in Kedungmonggo has uniqueness in the development of Panji act. One of the acts performed prior to the evening of village-cleaning ceremony is Pusaka Gedhong Semara Dhenok. The massage of the act basically is associated with the fertility myth and the concept of duality. In addition to this massage the act tries to demonstrate the local wisdom of the people in that village. The act Pusaka Gedhong Semara Dhenok displays a complexity on the rhetoric of the community, which comprises of the recognition on sociocultural aspect and believe including the understanding of the society toward the character’s typology ang the characteristic of human being in general.
*Ucapan terima kasih disampaikan kepada Dr. Hermien Kosmayati yang telah membimbing penulisan tesis S-2 di Program Pascasarjana Sekolah Tinggi Seni IndonesiaSurakarta. Sebagian temuan dalam tesis tersebut disarikan dalam artikel ini.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Perubahan Sosial dalam Novel Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak
Karya Ahmad Tohari
Dara Windiyarti
Balai Bahasa Surabaya
This article is proposed to study social problem which is reflected in novel Di Kaki Bukit Cibalak by Ahmad Tohari. The study employs close reading method based on Marxist theory. The result of the study shows that explicitly the novel reveal social problems caused by economic factor. Social conflict. Social conflict appears when corruption is committed by the village officers which lead to the oppressed classes. The conflict apparently dominates the story which involves the character’s attitude, in this way this novel intensively tries to articulate the struggle of the oppressed to make oppressor aware that change is urgently needed. The social change must be performed to fulfill the desire of the oppressed, that is classless society
Key words: social change, social class, oppressor, oppressed.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Membaca Bekisar Merah,
Mengeksplorasi Nilai-nilai Budaya Jawa
Sri Mariati
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
This article is aimed at analyzing the reflection of Javanese cultural value which is expressed in Bekisar Merah by Ahmad Tohari. The analysis employs sociology of literature paradigm with mimetic approach. The result of the analysis shows that culture value and Javanese tradition emerge dominantly in the novel. Furthermore, it also demonstrates Javanese reflection of life, their religious value, and the supremacy of their negative presumption. The concept and character of Javanese attitude is implemented on the manner of the main character or the novel. This concept, named Hastasila, constitutes Trisila (remember, believe, and “mituhu”), and Pancasila (consent, acquiescent to one’s fate, wholeheartedly, patient, sensible).
Key words: sociology of literature Javanese reflection of life, Hastasila, Trisila, Pancasila
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Novel Dunia Tak Bermusim
Karya Marianne Katoppo:
Kajian Struktur Kepribadian Tokoh
B.M. Sri Suwarni Rahayu
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
Novel Dunia Tak Bermusim expresses the lack of personality of its characters because of committing forbidden love. The novel will be scrutinized using pragmatic approach which underlines the psychological aspect of human character that comprises das es, das ich, das ueber ich, to recognize the personality of the character. The unsteadiness of one’s personality will cause bad manner of the characters. The characters of this novel give priority to the distribution of das es to das ich in which das ueber ich does not function normally. Lack of self control (das ueber ich) will result at agresive manner, amoral behavior, the violation of religious and social norm. With this exemplivication, the steadiness of the structural aspect of one’s personality will be better to maintain, so that one’s life would not lead to social chaos.
Key word: psychological aspect,das es, das ich, das ueber ich
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Penggunaan Bahasa Indonesia
dalam Keluarga Muda Etnis Bali
Tanjung Turaeni
Balai Bahasa Surabaya
When people move from one city to the others, this and the new environment will influence the change and the use of language. By the use of survey method this article discusses how family who lives in Surabaya and the neighborhood employ the language for their daily life and activity. There has been rapid change in the use of the language for family internal communication among these Balinese. Different from Balinese family who live in Bali, the new balinese famili who lives in Surabaya prefers to use Indonesia language for communication among the families. They tend not to speak in Balinese language. Thus in this way Balinese language has been taken over by Indosian language.
Key words: new environment, Balinese, family internal communication.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Klausa Subordiantif dalam Bahasa Gorontalo
Marina Pakaja
IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo
Gorontalo Language (GL) to date is still used as official language and cultural language by Gorontalo people. Using structural-descriptive approach this article discusses (1) syntactic function of GL subordinate clause, (2) sentence class that fill GL subordinate clause, and (3) its semantic relation. Subordinate clause in the form of circumstance in GL functions to explain P and S–P; in the form of PEL functions to explain S–P; in the form of O function to explain P–O. Sentence class which fills GL subordinate clause in the form of circumstance is N, V, and Adj. Meanwhile P is filled by V. Semantic relation between subordinate clauses in ranked compound sentence in GL is determined by the used subordinator.
Key words: The complex sentences, subordinate clause, Gorontalo Language.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Penggunaan Akronim dan Singkatan
pada Acara Selebriti di Televisi
A. Erna Rochiyati S.
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
Television as one form of audio visual medias represents human life. Using structural descriptive method and comparative study, this article tries to put forward a strong argument on the use of acronym and abbreviation at the infotainment broadcasted by private owned television company in Indonesia and try to study the result of the use of the acronym and abbreviation on homonym. The use of acronym and abbreviation in the infotainment can be classified into two: (1) the use based on the theory, and (2) the use which is not based on the theory. The use of acronym and abbreviation in those infotainments which is based on the theory affect positively on the development of homonym in Indonesian language in which the phenomena support constructively to the expansion of Indonesian vocabulary.
Key words : acronym, abbreviation, impact, homonym.
By jurnalsemiotika.unej
Bahasa Gaul:
Kreativitas Linguistik Kaum Muda
Budi Suyanto
Jurusan Sastra Indonesia
Fakultas Sastra Universitas Jember
The topic this article is discussing relates with the existence of slang which is recently used by teenagers and celebrities in Indonesia. Three major problems appear when we discuss about slang: (1) the existence of slang as language varian in Indonesian language, (2) linguistic creativity by the teenagers, and (3) social tactors influencing the creative process.The linguistic creativity by the teenagers will be analyzed using linguistic and sociolinguistic approach. The linguistic approach is used to explain the linguistic features slang and the forms of language resulted from the linguistic creativity. The sociolinguistic approach is used to explain the social background supporting the linguistic creative process.Slang shows the features of informal indonesian variety which is compact and simple. Mother tongue and English give their great influence on the use of Indonesian slang. Teenagers perform the linguistic creativity is to give modern and metropolis image.
Key words:slang, teenagers, celebrities, sociolinguistic, linguistic creative